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Madison Metropolitan School District

Administrative & Support Staff

Administrative & Support Staff, Student Services, and Neighborhood Contact Information

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*Phone numbers listed below with an asterisk (*) are cell phone numbers or Google voice numbers that accept texting

Administrative & Support Staff

Principal - Mikki Smith, 204-1605
Main Office Administrative Assistant - Janelle Heckendorn, 204-1733
Main Office Finance Secretary - Judith Parish, 204-1746
Substitute Coordinator - Alley McGuane, 204-1613
Athletic Director - TJ Rogness, 204-1720
Athletic Secretary - Jeneene Olson-McConley, 204-1604
Dean of Students - Pricila Ortiz, 204-1625
Dean of Students -  Tanya Gruter, 204-1620
PBIS Coach - Anna Moritz, 204-1616
Pathways Coordinator - Annie Potter, 204-1723
Program Support Teacher (Special Education) - Katie Wilkin, 204-1678
9th Grade On Track Coordinator - Tom Kanies, 204-1683
AVID - Kate Brien, 204-1673
Bilingual Support - Spanish - Silvia Gomez, 204-1624
Bilingual Support - Hmong - Ge Vang, 204-1652
Bilingual Support - Mandinka & Wolof - Jarje Bah, 204-1665
Bilingual Support - French - Sidiki Bitie, 204-1676
Bilingual Support - Lao - David Khamphouy, 204-1618

Student Services

Counseling Department Website
Registrar and Transcripts - Lisi Daniels, 204-1629
Counselor (AVID) - Sarah Elmore, 204-1647
  *608-571-5824, Book An Appt
Counselor (ELL) - Sharleen Diaz-Declert, 204-1637
  *608-571-4868, Book An Appt
Counselor (Olbrich) - Ashley Schuchardt, 204-1636
  *608-561-3089, Book An Appt
Counselor (Tenney) - Chris Micklos, 204-1627
  *608-285-2098, Book An Appt
Counselor (Warner) - Laura Gillis, 204-1635
  *608-515-8824, Book An Appt
Counselor (Yahara) - Michelle Olson, 204-1631
  *608-561-8395, Book An Appt
Nurse - Amy Mueller, 204-1619
Nurse - Aubrie Madai, 204-1621
Nurse Assistant - Maria Vasquez, 204-1622
Psychologist - Ryan Kruser, 204-1667
Psychologist - Jayda Griffin, 204-1688
Psychologist & AODA - Ann Reyes, 204-1672
  *608-206-6681, Book An Appt
Social Worker - Katie Manders, 204-1632
  *608-886-9130‬, Book An Appt
Social Worker - Rebecca Pucely, 204-1633
  *608-618-4053, Book An Appt
Social Worker (Bilingual) - Sara Lennertz, 204-1634
  *608-285-2044, Book An Appt


East High School is structured with “Small Learning Community Neighborhoods.” These Neighborhoods (Olbrich, Tenney, Warner, and Yahara) do not correlate with where families physically reside, but are assigned randomly. Within each neighborhood, students are supported by a specific Assistant Principal, Administrative Assistant, Counselor, Social Worker, Psychologist, and Dean of Students and ideally these connections will stay the same during a students’ four years at East. East’s Neighborhood structure offers opportunities for student-to-student and student-to-staff relationships leading to students’ becoming personally involved in and taking responsibility for their own education. The result of students’ feeling a part of the school’s academics and activities is increased chances for success both in and out of the classroom.

Student's assigned Neighborhood can be found on their schedule in period 9.

Staff below work specifically with one or two Neighborhoods. (Printable PDF)

Olbrich - Haste 

Assistant Principal - Patrice Haste, 204-1557
Administrative Assistant - Susan Harris, 204-1638
Dean of Students - Tanya Gruter, 204-1620
Counselor - Ashley Schuchardt, 204-1636
Psychologist - Ann Reyes, 204-1672
Social Worker - Rebecca Pucely, 204-1633

Warner - Simonini

Assistant Principal - AJ Simonini, 204-1615
Administrative Assistant - Rachel Stephens, 204-1614
Dean of Students - Pricila Ortiz, 204-1625
Counselor - Laura Gillis, 204-1635
Psychologist - Jayda Griffin, 204-1688
Social Worker - Katie Manders, 204-1632

Tenney - Richardson

Assistant Principal - Bill Richardson, 204-1617
Administrative Assistant - Rachel Stephens, 204-1614
Dean of Students - Tanya Gruter, 204-1620
Counselor - Chris Micklos, 204-1627
Psychologist (Last Names A-M) - Ryan Kruser, 204-1667
Psychologist (Last Names N-Z) - Jayda Griffin, 204-1688
Social Worker - Rebecca Pucely, 204-1633

Yahara - Lepinski

Assistant Principal - Jocelyn Lepinski, 204-1608
Administrative Assistant - Emily Nevel, 204-6581
Dean of Students - Pricila Ortiz, 204-1625
Counselor - Michelle Olson, 204-1631
Psychologist - Ryan Kruser, 204-1667
Social Worker - Katie Manders, 204-1632