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Madison Metropolitan School District

Tech Support & Devices

If you need Chromebook help and are attending summer school please contact your summer school LMTS, Beth Hennes at For more information about chromebooks in the summer, please see THIS document.

The Student/Families Helpline is 608-204-5678.

Students can visit the MMSD Device Support website for call the tech helpline for tech support. 

Logging In For The First Time?

Students should use their school ID number as their username and their password is a lowercase letter "x", followed by their  6-digit birthdate, followed by an uppercase letter "X".  (ex: 01/09/2005 means the password is x010905X).

Digital Device Take Home Guidelines

Having Chromebook Problems?

Troubleshooting Guides for Student Devices

Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

The FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBBP) is a $3.2B broadband subsidy program to help households struggling to pay for internet service during the pandemic. Eligible recipients of the Emergency Broadband Benefit include students participating in the National Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program (FRPL). This subsidy only works if families opt-in to participate.

Things To Know about the EBBP Program

East High School Library Media Technology Specialist (LMTS)

Jen Milne-Carroll,, 608-204-1642

MMSD Technical Services