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Madison Metropolitan School District

2021-22 Clubs & Activities

Name of Club Club Description Advisor(s) with email link Day Time Room Notes
Africa Club Welcome to Africa Club, our goal is to provide a fun environment for students of African origin and any other student interested in learning about Africa. Join us to learn about the multitude of culture in Africa through student’s presentation, listen to African music, learn about the challenges facing our students once they arrive here in the US and how they learn to assimilate to the American culture. You might also enjoy the debate our students have about social, political, economic and environmental challenges at local, national, and international level. Jarje Bah and Sidiki Bitie Tuesdays Lunch 2023  
Astronomy Club Here we will talk and learn about space, planets and everything related. No knowledge needed, it's all for fun! Anyone can join. Dena Ohlinger Monday Lunch    
Black Music Ensemble Practice and perform music from the African-American tradition. A group born out of the University of Wisconsin Black Music Ensemble. Ruben Arndt Tuesday  After School  1003  
Black Student Union (BSU) BSU is a student run organization founded in 2010, consisting of leading minority students, promoting change in our school community. Our organization strives to serve and represent the many minority students that attend East through a series of culturally, socially and academically focused programming, while sharing with the greater Madison community, elements of the African and African American experience. Our mission is to serve as an organization that fosters student development through diversity, academics and social services, promoting community and self-enrichment by way of community service and volunteerism. Milia Overton        
10th Grade
Become more involved in issues that affect the school and your class. Work with older students on various school activities. Plan activities that encourage unity in your class.   Tuesdays Lunch LMC Purple  
11th Grade
Fundraising and Junior Prom are key this year in student congress. Working together to create a memorable time for your classmates is a true learning experience and lots of fun. Extra hands are always welcome! Nick Adams Tuesdays Lunch LMC Purple  
12th Grade
Senior year is busy for many reasons; graduation, college applications or finding the right job. Senior congress also plans and helps coordinate many of the senior activities, including selection of graduation announcements, senior brunch, the senior video, the Winter Dance and taking the lead with the other congresses during Homecoming Week. This is the busiest and most fun year to be in congress! Alyssa Paolocci Tuesdays Lunch LMC Purple  
9th Grade
Start at the beginning to learn the ins and outs of school government. Fundraise to help out your class and the community. Show your fellow classmates all that high school has to offer! Sarah Motl  Tuesdays Lunch LMC Purple  
Culinary Club All things food! Come join this club and make it what you want it to be! Emily Sonnemann Wednesdays Lunch 142  
Drama/Theater Drama club is an open club to all students interested in Theater. Paul Milisch        
East Board Game and Magic Club We are trying to make an environment where students can bring in any game that they are interested in and find people who would play it with them and discover new games they would like to play. Right now a lot of the students want to play Magic. Jeremy Buehl Thursdays 3:45-5:15 2027  
East High Book Club Read and discuss books, meet authors, go on book-related field trips, promote reading across the school. Jen Milne-Carroll        
Engineering Club   Cynthia Chin Thursdays 12:15-12:45 PM    
Escalera Escalera provides services for Latinx 9th-12th graders by promoting economic mobility through greater academic success, career awareness and college preparation Marco Espinosa Mondays  2:45-3:45    
Expressions Literary Magazine Committee Expressions Literary Magazine committee works together to feature and publish East student voices. As a committee member you will write, edit, illustrate, lay out, and organize submissions for the published literary magazine. Jen Milne-Carroll Wednesdays Lunch    
Food Equity Club Food For Thought Club is working to improve and increase food accessibility for students at East High School. In past years, we have operated East´s food pantry and snack program. We get funding from the Food For Thought Initiative of Madison, but we are not part of the organization. This year is going to be different and we are working with the school and outside organizations to still provide food to East students. We would love to have you join, share your ideas, and help improve food access at East! Everyone is welcome! Helena White Thursdays Lunch Patio during good weather, Room 2038 otherwise  
Forensics Forensics is competitive public speaking. Student can choose to enter 20 different categories from acting to speech writing Paul Milisch M-F lunch and after school 1031  
French Club Come and explore the Francophone world outside of the classroom! Kelsey Aouane Tuesdays Lunch  1054  
Gender Equity An activist club with goals center on promoting feminism, womanism, and gender equality. This club is for ANYONE who believes that gender equality should be a goal for East and our community. We serve as a safe place to discuss issues, promote an anti-sexist school climate, and engage in community activism. We have a partnership with the Rape Crisis Center to do work towards ending sexual violence and promoting healthy relationships. Sarah Elmore &
Amanda Pustz
Mondays  Lunch 2016  
Girls Inc.  Girls Inc. is a program that is specifically designed for High Schoolers who identify as female to discover and pursue their passions as strong, smart, independent young women. Here at Girls Inc, you will find a shoulder to lean on, a purpose to pursue, and a family who celebrates you for who you are.  

For Afterschool programming, we have Girls Who Code on Mondays and Community Leadership Club on Thursdays at the Goodman Community Center BRASSWORKS building at 214 Waubesa St. Girls Who Code will give you the power to change the World through Computer Coding. Community Leadership Club is about using your voice to directly impact our world, giving you the tools and confidence you to turn your passions into actions. During the day, we hold drop-in office hours for academic coaching or to just chat about life, liberty, and the pursuit of your happiness.  

So join Girls Inc and find a family who supports you on the journey of life you have the power to create! 
Mx. Jade Koenigs (She/Her/Hers) -In person: Tuesday, Thursday, -Potential Virtual Drop in Hours lunch  2043 Afterschool program on Mondays from 3:00-5:00
GSA GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance) is dedicated to making East High School a safe environment for LGBTQ+ students and staff. GSA has set out to cultivate acceptance, eliminate isolation, stereotypes, and discrimination. GSA would like to aid in creating a safe school environment for everyone, where everyone feels welcome. All are welcome to attend our weekly meetings.  Jessica Hotz & Seth Jawitz Fridays After School 2000  
Hip Hop Club For students to learn or enhance their hip-hop writing & performing abilities. Cesar Martinez        
International Club The purpose of International Club is to have fun, to bring people from different backgrounds together, learn their culture, and to help and support our community. Catalina Thomsen        
Jazz Band Playing and learning jazz for participation in performance in and outside of East High School. Mark Saltzman Tuesdays 7-8 PM Band Room   
Madison East Investment Group (MEIG) This group incorporates East students who come together to learn more about investing. This organization invests real money into financial markets based on market trends, financial statements, and more. We invest in anything: stocks, bonds, ETFs, cryptocurrency, you name it! At the end of their high school career, we hope that members have shown growth in how to invest and how to be financially stable or even perhaps wealthy through the power of investments. Join us! All grades welcome! No prior investment knowledge needed! Click here to be on our email list or use the following link: Gordon Allen - Managing Director (MD)
Jason Stephens - Chairman / Senior Advisor
Joseph Fanning - Staff Facilitator
biweekly on Mondays lunchtime 1057H  
March for our Lives To harness the power of young people across the country to fight for sensible gun violence prevention policies that save lives. Amy Garvoille Tuesdays Lunch 2048  
Math Club To promote awareness of mathematics throughout our school and our community and to have fun with a like-minded group of people around the topic of mathematics. Phil Galarowicz & Karen Paschke Fridays 12:00 PM 3012  
Math Modeling Team Apply creative , persuasive mathematics to real-world problems. Write a technical paper that convinces a business owner or community leader to make a policy change. Compete internationally as a team to solve an open-ended , issue-oriented challenge . Contests held in November & February each year. Cynthia Chin Mondays Lunch or after school    
Madison East Earth Society The goals of M.E.E.S. would be fundraising to support disaster relief caused by climate change and working to raise local awareness surrounding environmental issues, as well as working with community partners. Emma Watermolen Tuesdays Lunch 3027  
Mountain Bike Team The East Mountain Bike Team focuses on off road riding skills and racing for anyone that wants to join and have fun riding and racing bikes. There are loaner bikes for students that do not have their own bikes. Emily Sonnemann  Tuesday & Thursday After School    
MSCR- Homework Club Join us for MSCR Homework club where we offer a place to study, have computer access and zoom tutoring available upon tutor availability to help you meet your goals as a Purgolder.  Mayder Lor Tuesday-Thursday 3:45PM-5:00PM LMC Gold Begins 9/28/21
MSCR- Student Leadership Council Join us for MSCR Student Leadership Council to learn leadership skills, build your resume by volunteering, listen to guest speakers, have discussions, host, lead activities and events within our school and in the community. This is also a great way to earn service E points! Mayder Lor        
Music Appreciation Club For students who love listening to music, want to explore new musical experiences, and are excited about sharing the music that's important to them with others. Open to all, regardless of genre preference or personal musical ability. Jeff Kunkle        
NASA Native American Student Association. Our mission is to establish a sense of comfort and community for our native and non-native members by providing a welcoming atmosphere and open minded space for members to express themselves in a positive manner while building supportive relationships within our group. In addition, as a group, we strive to bring awareness to current native issues and perspectives by presenting at conferences or community events, within Madison East High School, and in our own club meetings. The Native American Student Association (NASA) is open to all students Native or non-Native, we have the same expectation that our members grow, learn and flourish within East High School and share perspectives with the outside world.  Lisi Daniels and Silvia Gomez Wednesdays Lunch LMC Purple  
Photography & Tower Times Newspaper Club Giving students the ability to learn about film & digital photography, its history and how to communicate through the medium. April van Buren Thursdays lunch 1057E Photography AND Newspaper Club
Purgolder Philanthropy - Student Support Foundation The Purgolder Philanthropy – Student Support Foundation is an organization of students devoted to enriching the East High School community by awarding grants of money to students, programs, and faculty within East. Jessica Hotz & Sarah Motl Wednesdays lunch 2000  
Raza United The purpose of Raza United is to motivate and inspire students of Latinx backgrounds for graduation and a successful future by preparing and instilling leadership qualities, values, confidence and self-worth through a network of students and community leaders via conferences and lessons. Every Thursday during lunch we meet in the LMC Purple. Students should bring their lunch. This is where students get updated on cultural events, leadership conferences, community and volunteer service sign-ups, and any other info. We will also sometimes have speakers come and briefly talk about colleges, organizations, or something else.  Silvia Gomez Thursdays Lunch LMC Purple  
Rocketry/Aerospace Club Interested in building and launching homemade rockets? Join Rocketry Club! No prior knowledge necessary.  Taylor Bailey        
Sisterhood Sisterhood'd mission is to support and celebrate a culture of Black Excellence at East High School . Members are primarily African American 9th through 12th graders, focusing on present and future AVID and honors/AP students, supported by East staff and American Family mentors Sarah Elmore and Robin Murphy Friday Lunch LMC Purple  
Skills USA SkillsUSA is a club that competes in state wide technical skills competition. Students compete is skills such as auto repair, small engine repair, construction, electrical, cabinetry and welding. Students meet throughout the year and learn and practice their skill. They also learn about organizing meetings and raising money to pay for their competitions. State competition occurs in the Spring in Madison and the National competition occurs in June in Kansas City. Dennis Mossholder Thursday Lunch 150  
Tech Theatre Club Learn about and get hands on experience with all aspects of technical theatre including lighting, sound, video, set design & construction, painting, props, costumes, hair & makeup, run crew, stage management, and more. Mark Penisten TBD     Meeting times vary. Contact Mark Penisten for more information. 
Tower Tales Student Newspaper & Photography Club A supportive environment for students to make, edit and develop their journalistic skills (writing, photography, design, drawing, etc.) and to work to inform the EHS community on our online news site. April van Buren Thursdays lunch 1057E Photography AND Newspaper Club
Ultimate Frisbee We are recruiting students from all grade levels and both genders to recreate our clubs after having had two seasons off from competition. Jeremy Buehl M-F after school  2027  
Upward Bound Upward Bound is a college prep program that seeks to support students who will be the first in their families to attend college and/or students who qualify for free and reduced lunch. We will support you in high school with tutoring, ACT prep, academic advising, stipends (paycheck for participation), career exploration and much more. UB also offers its participants a 6-week summer program living on a college campus and exploring various colleges and opportunities in the Midwest. We will guide you through the college search and application process and support you in obtaining the most possible financial aid possible. Apply now to learn more! Brenda Yang and Megan Cancila Meetings are scheduled based on participants schedules and needs. We’re available Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Meetings are scheduled based on participants schedules and needs. We’re available Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM.