Achievement Connections
Achievement Connections is a targeted intervention focused on mathematics, with the goal of reducing the achievement gap in math in high schools in the Madison area. Our program is a partnership with MMSD, Middleton Cross-Plains Area School District, the United Way of Dane County, and the UW Morgridge Center for Public Service. Students are recommended to the program by their Algebra 1, Geometry, or Algebra 2 teacher and are matched with a trained adult AmeriCorps tutor or volunteer tutor from the community for one-to-one tutoring that focuses on both homework support and “filling in the gaps.” Utilizing software such as Delta Math, we can create individualized student exercises to focus on foundational skills. We predominantly serve 9th and 10th grades in Algebra 1 and Geometry with some limited space to support Algebra 2 students.
When considering students for enrollment in the program, we focus on these guidelines:
1) Students enrolled in Algebra 1, Geometry, or (some) Algebra 2
2) Students with a low C, D, or high F in math in the prior or current semester.
3) Attendance at or above 85% in the current year.
4) Achievement Connections cannot supplant mandated tutoring or other intervention services.
Questions? Contact:
Amy Soderman
Nia Bigby
Jordan Wilder
Tutoring Center: Rm. 3208
Phone: 608-204-1541