Forward Exam
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
East 10th grade students will participate in the Wisconsin Forward Exam on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 16th, 2024 at East High School. To ensure an appropriate testing environment for the assessment, April 16th will be a 9th and 10th grade only day, meaning there will be no school for 11th and 12th grade students. 9th and 10th grade students will take the PreACT in the morning.
Testing Day Logistics
What to bring and not to bring
Photo ID
Charged Chromebook and charger. Chromebooks should be charged the night before.
Students will be dismissed at the normal dismissal time of 3:39pm.
Students should get a good night's sleep and be sure to eat something substantial before the test.
Students should go to the bathroom BEFORE the test to avoid losing time during the test.
Be calm and don’t stress - A test score will never define you!
General Test Information
What is it?
The Wisconsin Forward Exam is the state-mandated test that replaces the WKCE and the Badger Exam. The Wisconsin Forward Exam asks students questions that are aligned with our State of Wisconsin standards. Students in grade 10 will only be tested in the subject of Social Studies. The remainder of the 10th grade testing subjects (English, math, reading and science) are covered in the PreACT assessment.
Why is this assessment given?
This is a state-mandated test that satisfies both state and federal requirements for testing.
How is the assessment given?
The assessment is computer-based. Students will take the assessment using their chromebooks.
How long does it take to give?
The Social Studies portion is comprised of two untimed tests. Most students finish each test in about 45 minutes.
Questions & Concerns
If you have any questions regarding assessments, please contact our East High School Assessment Coordinator, Assistant Principal Bill Richardson