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Madison Metropolitan School District

MMSD WI Forward Exam

The Department of Public Instruction requires the Forward Exam for grades 3-8 and 10 (Social Studies only). This page provides families with information about the exam.

This test can only be given in a face-to-face environment.

Wisconsin Forward

What the Student Report says:

How to read the student reports that families receive.

DPI: What is an ISR?
ISR in Spanish

More about scores:

Test scores are placed into specific proficiency bands (or groups). These four bands are given names: Advanced, Proficient, Basic, and Below Basic. The scores within each band are different for each grade level.

Image of Proficiency Band information document
  • See this document for both proficiency band table and definitions of each proficiency band. (pdf)

Practice/Preview Information:

Screenshot image of the Forward Test demo site
  • Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) -- the test vendor -- has made available a basic, an online demo of their assessment platform. Click this "All Online Item Sample" link to use the site; select "Practice Test" . This works best when using Chrome or Firefox browsers. It will not work in Explorer. This is designed to demonstrate features of the test, not specific question types for Wisconsin.

State Level Data:

Learn more about the Wisconsin Forward test and how MMSD schools are doing at the DPI's WISEDash website:

Wisconsin WISEDash System

Brief Description:

Learn more about the Wisconsin Forward test in the following document:

Wisconsin Forward Exam Information

2024 Family Communications:

Wisconsin Forward Exam brochure

ELL and SwD Decisions:

Learn more about appropriate changes to support all learners:

Forward Accommodations document
2021 Accommodations and supports Guide for the Forward Exam