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Madison Metropolitan School District


Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

All MMSD students in 9th and 10th grade will participate in the PreACT Secure assessment on Tuesday, April 16th, 2024. The assessment will be given in-person, at East High School, during normal school hours. To ensure an appropriate testing environment for the assessment, April 16th will be a 9th and 10th grade only day, meaning there will be no school for 11th and 12th grade students.

Letter To Families


Testing Day Logistics

What to bring and not to bring

  • Photo ID

  • Charged Chromebook and charger.  Chromebooks should be charged the night before.

  • Absolutely NO CELL PHONES, SMART WATCHES, OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES ARE ALLOWED, EVEN DURING THE BREAK.  Students will be dismissed from testing and score will be voided if cell phones are seen or heard.   

Prohibited Behavior

  • Looking ahead or back to other test sections.

  • Using an unauthorized calculator. (click here for calculator info)

  • Technology of any kind, even on breaks.

  • Disrupting others.

  • Alarms, phone rings.

  • Looking at others’ answers - CHEATING.


Students will be dismissed at the normal dismissal time of 3:39pm.


General Test Information

What is it?

PreACT assessments offer students an early experience with ACT test items, provides a predicted ACT test score, and offers a wealth of information to help students get the start they need to be college ready.  Content areas are the same as the Spring Wisconsin ACT, except for the Writing subtest.  This means that there are subtests in: English, Reading, Mathematics and Science.

How is the PreACT Secure given?

The PreACT Secure test that is given by the State of Wisconsin in the spring will be a computer-based, online version of the PreACT test.  It is still in development; Wisconsin will be the first state to use this version.

How long does it take to give?

The standard administration is approx. 2 hours 35 minutes.  This is test time, not time for instructions, etc. 

  • English - 35 min
  • Math - 45 min
  • Break - 10-15min
  • Reading - 40 min
  • Science - 35min

How is it scored?

Scoring is on a scale of 1 – 35, tightly aligned with the traditional ACT.  At this point, we are uncertain of how fast results will be returned.

Questions & Concerns

If you have any questions regarding assessments, please contact our East High School Assessment Coordinator,  Assistant Principal Bill Richardson.